Sunday, April 24, 2011

Okay, so I screwed up on the whole "update every day" thing already but...okay, no I don't really have a way to justify it. Oh well.

It's raining now. Hard, too. There isn't quite enough thunder or lightening to make me fearful so it's actually really comforting. It seems appropriate for my current mood. Being lucky enough to have someone you want around all the time but not being able to is bittersweet, much like how the rain makes me feel.

It's been a fantastic weekend emotionally and mentally but not so much physically. Ate too much, smoked too much, drank too much, and didn't work out nearly enough. Like an idiot, I tried to go for a run midday yesterday. It had to have been at least 80 degrees outside. Experiencing the horror of jogging in the heat makes me wonder if perhaps Florida has a lower crime rate than colder states. Who the hell wants to run from the cops in this kind of humidity?

Katrina and James may be visiting in a couple weeks and I am beyond excited. Katrina and I were nothing short of attached to the hip by the last few months I spent in Philly so I miss her probably more than anyone else.

Oh, so the price of a 4 year college here is still cheaper than a 2 year one in Philly. Jus' sayin'.

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