Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm going to try to make it a point to write every single day, even if it's short and horrible. I read this little piece of advice Chuck Palahnuik gave for aspiring writers not too long ago...he said that you should dedicate 20 minutes a day to writing. It can be total bullshit and if you're really not into it that day, you can stop at 20 minutes and just be done with it...but often times you find yourself really getting into it at that point and want to continue after your time is up. So that's what I plan on doing.

It's almost 8AM and I haven't slept yet so my thoughts are bound to be a bit erratic. In fact, I'm not even going to attempt to keep them organized right now.

I spent the last year or so learning how to be truly content in any environment. Now I feel like I'm learning how to be truly fulfilled, too. I thought for a long time you would have to choose between the two and I don't believe that very much at all these days. It's fucking incredible.

I lost body fat and gained quite a bit of muscle since I've been in Florida. The waistline to my pants are loose, the pant legs are tight, my shirts are overall bigger on me but the sleeves are tighter. It's sickening... in the good way. I plan on eventually posting some before and after photos but I've been lazy with actually taking any. I feel confident that I could keep up with the roller girls now but I don't want to just keep up, I want to be good. I'm either going to continue to lose body fat so I can take the route of speed or start really bulking to be an all around badass. I'll probably end up bulking just because I eat so freaking much and have no plans to stop doing so.

I'm tired and sore as all hell now so this update is going to be abruptly cut short.

End transmission.


  1. I am soooo fucking psyched for you to get into roller derby! <3

  2. Hells yeah, girl! When I finally come up to LA or you visit here I'm gonna arm wrestle men in bars for your honor.
